Study Group of PARAREVO
Meditation Event at Hakone
March 16, 2025 (Sun) 13:00~16:00
Pease register from here!
Payment : Cash on the day of the event or you can pay online from here.
1,500 yen
Free Remote Healing Application Form
Pease register from here!
Periodic study group is held once a month.
Our next study is Mar. 8 (Sat.) 2025
Please join us by signing up here!
Time: 10:00~11:00JST (Zoom only) 500 yen
Time: 14:00~15:00JST (In-person) 1000 yen
Place: 3-19-11 Sagamiono, Minami-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Pre.
Time: 14:00~15:00JST (Zoom) 500 yen
Paradigm Revolution by Paradoxical Truth
“Why am I living on a planet called Earth even though there is such a wide universe?
Why am I living in Japan instead of France?
Why am I Japanese not American?
Why was I born in a poor family not a wealthy family?
Why is this person my mother and that person my father?
Why am I out of luck?
Why did I marry this person?
Why are these kids my children?
Why should I be involved with this person?
Why was I born as a woman?
Why was I born as a man?
Why am I not good at studying?
Why do I hate myself?
Why am I negative about everything?
Why am I not confident?
Why do people die?”
(Quoted from “Revolution of ZERO” P17-18 authored by Minoru Uba Published by GENTOSYA )
In 2020, as an unprecedented global pandemic situation called COVID-19 sweeps the planet, in the sense of both disease and spirituality, we felt science, medical care, or all other existing things were absolutely helpless against such unprecedented virus. We simply couldn’t help but stay home.
However, at the same time, various life style, common sense, values, and frameworks that have been considered as normal have been destroyed. As a result, we have no choice but to start facing more fundamental issues such as “human life” and “existence” such as the relationship between “family" and “couple" and what exactly mean to live, which could be possible to avoid facing up to reality by pursuing economic activities and immediate profits and happiness in daily life. To build up the “framework" destroyed by COVID-19 one more time is meaningless due to the fact that such old “framework" getting become obsolete against the current “living environment change" and “economic conditions". Many people feel that they are reaching their limits.
In other words, the world is clearly in need of values and frameworks that have not existed in the past, and we
are entering an era in which each human being need to take the path of evolution.
Therefore, we as Self-Healing Study and Practice Group is proposing so called “PARAREVO” theory (Paradigm
Revolution theory).
PARAREVO theory is a completely new philosophy and idea born from the historical soil of spiritual culture
peculiar to Japan. Also, it is the theory suitable for the expected coming near future.
In PARAREVO theory, the true “purpose of life" is unveiled, and the way to achieve it by living this Earth planet
and complete it is systematized as a concrete theory with practice method
Meditation Event at Hakone
Nov.4, 2024 (Public Holiday) 13:00~16:00
Anyone who wants to know their true purpose of life, who wants to change themselves or who wants to learn, please
join us!
We will be happy to introduce or support a learning place that suits your needs, so please contact us at the email
address below.
Self-Healing Study and Practice Group
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Cosmic Bible Book 1:
Paradigm Revolution by Paradoxical Truth
Paperback – April 3, 2015